We live in a world where we are more sedentary than ever and  are surrounded by processed food.  Our society is battling numerous chronic diseases.  We are bombarded by tons of information on how to lose weight, get healthy, and be happy.  There is so much information, people often don’t know where to start or what is a passing fad. How does a nutrition coach or health coach help?

A nutrition and fitness coach partners with their client to define what they would like to achieve or help set self determined goals.  A coach will work with the client to help them find solutions and strategies for themselves, since the client is the expert in their own life.  A coach with also keep their clients accountable of their actions and choices.  The coach is a partner in their client’s life long wellness journey through sustainable and healthy changes.

Now, what makes my coaching UNIQUE?


Self-compassion is an essential aspect of meeting health goals because it allows us to approach our journey with kindness, understanding, and patience. Rather than criticizing ourselves for any perceived failures or setbacks, self-compassion encourages us to treat ourselves with care and compassion throughout the process. Here are some ways self-compassion can help you meet your health goals:

1. Embracing Imperfection: Self-compassion recognizes that we are all human and that making mistakes or facing challenges is a normal part of the process. Instead of berating yourself for slip-ups or setbacks, treat yourself with kindness and acknowledge that it’s okay to stumble along the way.

2. Cultivating Mindfulness: Self-compassion involves being present and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations without judgment. By practicing mindfulness, you can better understand your body’s needs, make conscious choices, and respond to setbacks in a compassionate manner.

3. Nurturing Positive Self-Talk: Replace self-criticism with self-encouragement and positive affirmations. When facing obstacles or setbacks, remind yourself that it’s a temporary setback and that you have the ability to bounce back. Treat yourself with the same supportive and motivating language you would use with a friend.

4. Prioritizing Self-Care: Self-compassion involves taking care of yourself holistically. This means nourishing your body with nutritious foods, engaging in regular physical activity you enjoy, getting enough restful sleep, and managing stress effectively. Prioritizing self-care allows you to meet your health goals from a place of self-love and respect.

5. Celebrating Small Victories: Instead of waiting for significant milestones to celebrate your progress, practice self-compassion by acknowledging and celebrating even the small achievements along the way. Recognize your efforts and the positive changes you’ve made, whether they are related to healthier eating habits, increased exercise, or better self-care practices.

6. Seeking Support: Remember that it’s okay to ask for help or seek support from others when needed. Whether it’s enlisting the support of a friend, joining a community of individuals with similar health goals, or seeking guidance from a healthcare professional, reaching out for support can help you stay motivated and accountable while fostering self-compassion.

Remember, self-compassion is not about making excuses or giving up on your health goals. It’s about treating yourself with understanding, kindness, and empathy during your journey. By incorporating self-compassion into your pursuit of health, you can create a positive and sustainable approach that allows for growth, learning, and long-term success.

What to expect in a coaching session

Now that it is clear what a coach is, you might be wondering what to expect from the first session and subsequent sessions.  You and the coach  will first discuss the contract, sign off on each point.  It is at this time, you will review the coaching process.  Most importantly, this is the time to set expectation for you  and the coach.  The first session will also include the assessment form.  This form will include background information, concerns, medical conditions, etc.  This is an opportunity for you to speak freely as to what your concerns are and what your motives may be.   At this point in the session, you will set goals for the next 3 months. You will commit to the goals and agree on a few actionable steps each week with your coach.

The subsequent sessions will ideally be weekly or bimonthly for approximately 45 minutes.  Then you and the coach will review the success and challenges of the week.  You will discuss if the actionable steps are still manageable, work together on strategies to clear up challenges and confirm goals for the following week.

The one on one coaching is flexible.  If you and the coach are geologically close, an option would to meet face to face.  The most common way of communication will be by video conference (Skype, FaceTime, etc).  If that option is not available then via telephone is just as good.Ultimately this process with help the you become more self aware, be more accountable, acquire new skills and knowledge, sustain change, and BE THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF.

Are you curious?  Book a complimentary consultation or Q&A…

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